Funder Research
A great deal of our success is due to our ability to match the needs of your nonprofit organization with those of potential grant-making institutions.
We take the guesswork out of identifying the right funder for your project or program. If your proposal is to be successful, you need to find the right funders who align with your organization, its mission, and programs.
We make the labor-intensive task of searching for the right grantmaker for your project a whole lot easier. Using a number of different sources, we take the guesswork out of thoroughly vetting potential grants and grantmakers.
We do our homework before you ever submit a grant proposal. This includes a thorough review of the following:
- IRS Form-990PFs of potential foundations
- Corporate profiles and annual reports
- Websites
- Past grantees and giving history
- Anything and everything we can find on potential funders
NOTE: We only identify grant-making funders and do not conduct wealth screening of individuals through prospect research.