Here’s what we’ve been up to lately…
Here are just a few of our most newsworthy items.

Diane Gedeon-Martin is a Lifetime Member of the Grant Professionals Association (GPA)
Diane is proud to be a member of the Grant Professionals Association (GPA). She was there at the beginning (member #47) and continues to support their mission. In the early days, she served on several national committees and volunteered her time. GPA converted her Legacy Member status into one of eight Lifetime memberships. Such a great honor!
Diane Gedeon-Martin on Chronicle of Philanthropy Panel
Diane Gedeon-Martin spoke to over 550 participants as a panelist for the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s webinar: How to Wow Grant Makers with Your Next Proposal, held on November 7, 2024. You can learn the hallmarks of a winning proposal, from strong writing to well-constructed programs and a clear vision by purchasing the webinar through The Chronicle of Philanthropy.
Write Source President Becomes Co-Chair of APC Education Committee
Diane Gedeon-Martin, an active member of the Association of Philanthropic Counsel (APC), will serve as the co-chair of the Education Committee through June 30, 2024. She will then assume the position of chair after that date to serve a term of two years.
Diane Gedeon-Martin Serves on Philanthropy Massachusetts Committee
Philanthropy Massachusetts, the voice for philanthropic giving in the state, invited Diane Gedeon-Martin, President of The Write Source, to be among a select committee of 15 that will update and revise the Massachusetts common grant application and report forms. She worked alongside representatives from large and small foundations help streamline the application process.
Write Source President Becomes Treasurer of APC
At the June 14, 2021, Annual Meeting of the Association of Philanthropic Counsel (APC), Diane Gedeon-Martin became the treasurer for the Association. Her two-year term will expire in 2023.
Write Source Featured in Article in The Major Gifts Report
Diane Gedeon-Martin was featured in the November 2020 issue of the Major Gifts Report. She provided guidance in the article Steps for Analyzing Requests for Proposals in the Grant-Seeking Procedures column.
Write Source President Becomes Member of APC Executive Committee
At the July 13, 2020, Annual Meeting of the Association of Philanthropic Counsel (APC), Diane Gedeon-Martin became a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. She was already a member of the Board. In her new role, she will also serve as assistant treasurer.
How Approaching Grant Writing is Similar to Jigsaw Puzzles
Fellow grants consultant, Jana Jane Hexter recently blogged What Your Attitude to Jigsaw Puzzles Says about Your Capacity for Grant Writing with excerpts from her book, Grant Writing Revealed: 25 Experts Share Their Art, Science, and Secrets. In her post, she quotes four grant consultants, including our Diane Gedeon-Martin, about their puzzle-solving approach to grant writing.
Proposal Prepared by The Write Source Used as an Example of a Winning Application by a U.S. Federal Agency
In November 2016, we prepared a proposal to the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) for The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art. It won the full amount requested of $173,414 in October 2017. You can view this winning proposal that was originally posted to the IMLS Sample Applications web page from 2017 to 2018. It was such a great honor to have this application serve as a shining example for others to follow when seeking a grant from the IMLS.
Write Source President was the Keynote Speaker at the 2nd Annual New England Grant Professionals Association’s Regional Conference
We are honored to share that Diane Gedeon-Martin was the Keynote Speaker at the 2nd Annual New England Regional Grant Professionals Association’s (GPA) Conference in 2017. She set the tone for the day by speaking to 69 peers on the topic: 21st Century Grants – Brief and to the Point!
PFLAG invited Write Source President to be Plenary Speaker at the 2016 Regional Conference
Diane Gedeon-Martin was the Plenary Speaker at the PFLAG Northeastern Regional Conference on October 1, 2016, in Hartford, Connecticut. She spoke about the grant-seeking process, focusing on researching funders, building relationships, and approaching corporations.
Diane Gedeon-Martin speaks to over 500 people at the Connecticut Congressional Federal Grant Fair
For the second time in a row, Diane Gedeon-Martin spoke about government grants to a packed auditorium of over 500 people on the campus of Middlesex Community College in Middletown at the Connecticut Congressional Federal Grant Fair hosted by Senators Blumenthal and Murphy and Congresswoman DeLauro. Read more about this event in the article Nonprofit Representatives and Public Officials Get Tips on Applying for Grants on the Hartford Courant website.
The Write Source President Contributes to New Grant-Writing Book
In the book Grant Writing Revealed: 25 Experts Share Their Art, Science, and Secrets, author Jana Jane Hexter selected Diane Gedeon-Martin to be one of 25 experts that shared their techniques for winning grants for nonprofit organizations. The book identifies 24 key elements that Diane and the other experts use for successful grant development. You can purchase a copy on Amazon.
President of The Write Source becomes a Board Member for Children in Placement
In a unanimous decision, Diane Gedeon-Martin was elected to the Board of Directors for Children in Placement. The nonprofit organization serves as the only affiliate of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)in Connecticut. Its mission is to facilitate judicial review of cases involving abused and neglected children so that each child in the state realizes a safe and permanent home.