Articles & Publications
Here are some articles to help you learn about grants.

Vetting Funders
In the November 2020 issue of the Major Gifts Report published by John Wiley & Sons, we provide guidance on how to vet funders in the article Steps for Analyzing Requests for Proposals in the Grant-Seeking Procedures column.
What do Jigsaw Puzzles and Preparing Grant Proposals Have in Common?
Fellow grants consultant, Jana Jane Hexter recently blogged What Your Attitude to Jigsaw Puzzles Says about Your Capacity for Grant Writing with excerpts from her book, Grant Writing Revealed: 25 Experts Share Their Art, Science, and Secrets. In her post, she quotes four grant consultants, including our Diane Gedeon-Martin, about their puzzle-solving approach to grant writing.
Ethics in Grant Seeking
Understand the misconceptions of paying grants consultants only if a grant is awarded or paying them a percentage of the grant award in the sidebar of the article Ethically Blindsided? in the March/April 2012 issue of Advancing Philanthropy published by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP).
Writing Grant Proposals in the Age of Social Media
Our method of preparing online grant proposals is featured in the article All Thumbs? in the July/August 2010 issue of Advancing Philanthropy published by AFP.
Online Grant Applications
- Learn tips from the article Grant Seeking Goes Paperless from the Chronicle of Philanthropy that features our sound advice.
- We provide more tips in the article Cutting to the Chase: Writing in the Online Age published by the Association of Fundraising Professionals. See the second article on the online page.
Approaching Grantmakers
We provide you with three things you can do to improve your grant-seeking efforts in the article What Grantmakers Want in the Philanthropy Journal.
Grant Seeking in an Economic Downturn
The advice provided by us in the article Grants: Funding Requests are Flooding In published by The NonProfit Times.
Grant Seeking Basics
In the article Take Nothing for Granted, published by the Association of Fundraising Professionals, we provide insight into the world of grant seeking.